Sunday, March 30, 2008

"Oooh. That not so very much tea!"

So not much news has come to us from that mountain nation, Tibet, since my last post on the subject. The only real news is that, last I heard, Beijing has announced that over 600 vandals (or whatever they're gonna be called) have voluntarily turned themselves in to the authorities. Supposedly, the powers that be have graciously offered be more lenient with them than those they have to find the hard way. Yeah. Right.

Anyway, I promised a history lesson. This is kind of important, but only because it's a super pet peeve of mine when someone goes off about something they haven't really researched. So here's the very brief, Wikipedia version of events. 'Cause I'm lazy.

Tibet has a long, complicated history with China. Sometimes, for long stretches of time, Tibet was independent. For other equally long lengths of time, Tibet was under the heel of one or another "Chinese" imperial dynasty. Nonetheless, it all looks so cut and dried in Seven Years In Tibet. There were no Chinese soldiers and then there were. True enough, Tibet had had de facto independence since 1912 with the collapse of the Qing Empire, enjoying nearly forty years of the absence of interference. But the government of the new Republic of China never abandoned its claim to Tibet (though it was incapable of enforcement of any of its edicts – an inability mirrored throughout the rest of the territory it claimed to govern). Furthermore, the international community (with the exception of Mongolia) still accepted this government’s claim. So in 1950-51, when the Red Army of the People's Republic of China violently suppressed all opposition to their rule in the territory, the international community acknowledged this only as another stage in the civil war between the KMT and the Communists. In fact, I suspect that the only reason "Western" leaders have been so sympathetic toward the Tibetan plight was that this presented yet another rhetorical device to be used in the Cold War. If the KMT had behaved in the same fashion, we in the “West” wouldn't have paid too much attention. While Beijing is guilty of obfuscation and lies, so is Los Angeles. We simply choose to believe the version that stars Brad Pitt (and casts the commies as the bad guys).

This is the sort of thing that must be understood if activists are ever going to make any headway. It doesn’t help a cause if you can’t express an adequate understanding of the situation. So, in order not to sound like an apologist for Chinese rule in Tibet, following are some of my (very good) reasons to support Tibetan independence:

  • The nature of the historical claims by which Beijing claims legitimate rule are insufficient to justify continued rule.

Though Tibet possessed only de facto independence early last century it was independence nonetheless. The Seventeen Point Agreement, which handed over all sovereignty to Beijing, was signed virtually at gunpoint, making it a highly unsatisfactory agreement to accept (especially after the Dalai Lama's exiled government repudiated it in 1959). Further, it is also unsatisfactory to rely upon the justification that because the territory was once part of an empire it should remain beholden to future governments of said empire. Of course, this raises the question of whether the imperial continuity wasn’t entirely broken with the fall of the Qing. And this entire situation seems even more laughable when one considers that this is a communist government arguing for the imperial privilege of the Qing, a dynasty they undoubtedly opposed both in principle and practice. Finally, all this has taken place in living memory, meaning that this is a matter that still matters and is not simply a silly historical grievance.

  • Absence of democracy and meaningful inclusion in the political process in Tibet specifically and in China generally.

This matters. There is likely not a single state on this Earth which is free from the issues surrounding the presence of cultural, linguistic, ethnic, or religious minorities. For example, in my own country, Canada, we have several sources of such conflict. As our nationalist friend points out to us (and he's not wrong about the hypocrisy there), there is the question of the aboriginals whom the Europeans systematically drove back and ghettoized in the conquest of this continent. There is also the case of the Quebequois, a significant French-speaking, traditionally Catholic minority that jealously guards its linguistic and cultural identity against encroachment by the English speaking, Protestant majority. And of course, there is the ongoing matter of the integration of immigrant communities into Canadian society.

While the case of the natives probably has more historical similarity, the case of Quebec is more instructive. The province was ceded to the British by the French at the end of a war some hundreds of years ago. The people of the province were not consulted and were not interested in being part of the British Empire. There has been a long history of separatist sentiment in the province culminating in 1995 in a referendum which nearly divided the country in two. However, I do not support their desire to separate from Canada. This is because the Canadian government has made an effort to accommodate and include this minority group in Canadian society and governance. Quebec is self governed under the Canadian federal system. Quebequois participation in federal government has been successfully encouraged at all levels. French has been enshrined as an official language and is a mandatory subject of study for all students in elementary and high school.

This is not the case in Tibet. Tibetan local governance is essentially fiat from Beijing. There are token Tibetan members of the Tibetan Autonomous Region's government, but all decisions are enacted through the office of the Communist Party branch secretary. There is no self-government in Tibet and they can certainly forget about advancing in Chinese national politics.

  • Continual oppression of the local population.

Since the conquest, Tibet has been subjected to continual, gross oppression in excess of the same lack of democracy, brutal enforcement of restrictive laws, and police state tactics from which all Chinese citizens suffer. Tibetans have been imprisoned, tortured, or killed for observing their religion, customs, and for failing to observe restrictive laws. Beijing has implemented a program of importing ethnic Han Chinese to the region to shore up their control (the Han are far more likely to listen to Beijing's edicts). This has resulted in discrimination against Tibetans for job opportunities and is quickly making them a minority in their own homeland. Beijing is even trying to extinguish the Tibetan language by prohibiting its instruction in school.

Clearly, there is absolutely a case to be made for the independence of Tibet from China, whose rule is brutal and illegitimate. But we should not be so sanguine regarding the results of Tibetan independence, however. Simple independence would not solve all their problems and might conceivably cause others. But that's for another post.

(Part 2/3)

Monday, March 17, 2008

"Hello, China... I have something you may want, but it's gonna cost you. That's right. All the tea."

Having had the privilege of attending university I have, as a consequence, also had the not-exactly-a-privilege of being subjected to indoctrination into every thoughtful person and crank's pet issue. Some of these issues have been far more deserving of my time and attention than have others. For instance, the Spartacist League's insistence on "Defending the Revolution In China Against Backsliding Towards Occidental Capitalist Pig-Dog Anal Love-fests Without Lube Manufactured By Glorious Peasant Youth Organizations!" The truly shocking thing is that with a cause this just, urgent and necessary, I'm still not a fan. But I digress. There are, of course, many more reasonable causes to support. Tibetan freedom is one of them.

Now, I know that I'm going to be far from the first to comment on this. Apparently I'm not very on the ball these days. I had no idea that there was anything new happening in Tibet until I drove past the Chinese consulate on Granville earlier on Sunday to see protesters filled with inarticulate rage, banners-a-flailing in the cold March air. Actually, they weren't inarticulate so much as boisterous and incoherent. This is unsurprising as far as the university/white "Free Tibet!" crowd is concerned. Like a Bob Marley poster on the dorm wall, a "Free Tibet!" bumper sticker on the car is a pretty good indicator that there's some *ahem* higher learning going on. For some humourous evidence in support of this hypothesis, check this video starting at 1:23 and especially the blond dude at 1:29. They're even singing that old Marley tune: "Get Up, Stand Up".

'Nuff said.

Enough hippy-baiting for today, though. Their hearts are in the right place, after all, and they're standing up *hur hur* for what they take to be a just cause. What could be more just than trying to free a humble mountain folk from the evil empire? (All apologies, Russia, we know you're still trying.) Nothing, right? I mean, we know for a fact that Chinese claims to Tibet are fabricated because there were no Chinese there when Brad Pitt got there. Because he was there before they were. We all saw Seven Years in Tibet. Brad Pitt arrived, hung out with some bespectacled kid in drafty pajamas, then the Chinese started shooting people. Brangelina would never lie to us. Brangelina would never lie to us?! Right? Right! So we're right too! Free Tibet! Free Tibet!

Before the reader gets the wrong idea, I am actually a supporter of the Tibetan claim to independence. There are a number of excellent reasons (which I will get to in a later post) to support the struggle of this nation against the oppression heaped upon it by Beijing. But I'm also an even bigger supporter of deliberate and well-reasoned policy. Before we jump into bed with a cause, we first have to be sure that we clearly understand why it is that we support the cause. Even more importantly, we need to clearly understand what it is that we are putting our weight behind, and I’m not so certain that our well-intentioned friends pictured in the video linked above have a clear vision of what they’re advocating. Not that I blame them. It’s hard to see clearly through bloodshot eyes. (But that’s why God invented Vizene. Ha!)

Thus, I turn first to the why of the issue. Are we certain that we understand the circumstances of the case we are defending? There's no excuse for an irresponsible acceptance of Hollywood History. Of course, this is not to say that I advocate anything like this unreconstructed, revisionist, and vaguely amusing nationalist bile. The fact is that history is more complicated than either side is really willing to admit. That's right. It's time for a history lesson.
(Part 1/3)

Saturday, March 15, 2008


Presently, I'm relaxing at one of my regular haunts in Vancity, the Cornerstone Cafe (4th and Stephens). It's a nice place (and my coffee is always just the way I like it), though it could use a couple more leather armchairs and plugs for laptops. For those unfamiliar with this part of town, this is right in the heart of Kitsilano. This is a neighbourhood composed foremost of young, well-to-do, Lululemon wearing, Beamer driving, latte sipping, stroller-jogging, wanna-be-Californians. Its other main demographic is the less-than-wealthy crowd of students jammed twelve-a-piece into basements and run-down houses. This is the part of town that in the 60's was home to Vancouver's hippies (or is at least not afraid to acknowledge the fact). Since then Kits has undergone massive gentrification (good luck buying into this market if you make less than $100k/an.) and is now home to Vancouver's yuppie crowd. So it's an interesting / entertaining sort of place to go people watching (if your subjects don't annoy the hell out of you, that is).

Anyway, whether it's because this is Vancouver and it's one of the city's idiosyncrasies or whether this is true of all former hippy (read "yuppy") enclaves, this is also the focal point of the New Age / eastern mysticism / vegetarian / organics / higher-conscioused-than-thou crowd in the region. Not a ten minute walk from where I sit is Banyen Books, a dependable stockpile of half-baked super-baked mish-mashes of Hinduism and quantum mechanics, crystal therapy instructions, pendulums, and books about how your intentions really do alter physical reality. On the very next block from where I sit is the venerable NAAM, serving 24-7 vegetarian yums since the 60's. And let's not forget that seemingly ubiquitous institution, the yoga studio.

Which brings me around to what's on my mind. There has been a tremendous explosion of interest in the trappings of "the East" in a spiritual sense. This is evident merely by looking at our urban landscape. A new Yoga studio opens every day, it seems. New Age bookstores are sprouting up in some of the most unexpected neighbourhoods (at least, unexpected to myself). Even mainstream booksellers like Chapters have New Age, Buddhist, Hindu, and Taoist selections. Nor has this explosion of interest in the spiritual been limited to "Eastern" forms of "mysticism"; Wicca and Kabbalah are becoming popular in their own right. Curiously enough, this is taking place simultaneous to plummeting rates of attendance at traditional Christian and Jewish services.

So what's going on here? The obvious answer is that the traditional (Judeo-Christian) faiths are less and less capable of satisfying people's needs. There are a whole hell of a lot of reasons for this phenomenon. Science, by demonstrating that virtually every claim the Bible made regarding the physical world was erroneous, and archeology, by doing the same for history, have left people (rightly) wary of Christianity's metaphysical and spiritual claims. The advancement of democratization and secularism, spurred on by better and more widespread accessibility to education, immigration and the easy availability of information have resulted in a (generally) more tolerant, open-minded attitude, greater diversity of viewpoint, and better critical thinking. These changes have left the demands of adherence to dogmas, illiberal organizational structuring, and outdated moralities unacceptable to an ever greater cross-section of society, which has resulted in the advancement of atheism and agnosticism, as well as the "spiritual but not religious" crowd.

This is the group of people primarily responsible for the current explosion in popularity of Buddhism, Hinduism, etc. in "the West" (with all due apologies to immigrant communities) and the group which I personally find so confusing. As a self-professed atheist, this boom of popularity is very difficult to understand. Not because I'm not brought to awe and terror by this world we inhabit. Not because I don't have an appreciation for the mystery of life. Not because I don't understand the need for meaning in human life. No, it's difficult for me to understand because I don't need superstitions.

No doubt, the demonstration of the incredibility of Christian doctrine has resulted in a "religion hole" for those that would likely have found in it what they sought. That they would try to fill that gap makes sense. Still, I find it difficult to wrap my head around why one would no longer be able to accept one absurd set of claims (seven days of creation, immaculate conception, virgin birth, heaven, hell, etc.) and then jump right into bed with another (reincarnation, universal consciousness, levitation, or a pig-faced god with a bajillion arms). Isn't this all rather much? Isn't the simplest solution always the best? That they're all plain wrong?

Sure, I suppose one cannot prove by their absence that Yahweh / God / Allah / the Flying Spaghetti Monster / Invisible Pink Unicorns do not exist, but it certainly cannot be proven that they do (and faith is no argument). Yes, I'm convinced that they do not (and try to prove it). But isn't this world enough? Is life really so impoverished of magnificence and beauty that we need to seek it out in some distant hereafter? Do we really live so free of pain such that we need to invent eternal punishment just to spice things up? Are humans really so incorrigible that we cannot be decent without perpetually being cowed by the divine parent's magical stick and carrot? And are we so cowardly that we cannot think for ourselves, imagine our own good?

Sure, the world is scary. Crazy shit happens all the time and if you get through being only moderately scarred, I think you've blundered into a formula that's worth sharing. And hell yes the prospect of un-becoming is unsettling. But should we run away from it? Should we hide our heads in the sands of some imaginary shore? And should we rob what's good in life, our only life, because we're afraid? There's way more enjoyment to be had, many more smiles and tears, more richness to life when we face it as it is. Like watching a movie in colour. And it's even more beautiful when we're OK with not knowing all the answers ahead of time and let them reveal themselves to us.

That's how it seems to me, at any rate, while I sit here, sipping on a coffee looking at the sunny streets. It's all so beautiful and ugly and absolutely absurd. And that's exactly how I like my coffee.

Friday, March 14, 2008


This is officially my first blog-posting ever. *Whew* Big moment. I suppose I should start by saying that I'm not certain precisely what it is I'm hoping to do on here. Some venting. Some thinking things through. Starting a conversation with people that want to talk about the same sorts of things as I do. Crystallizing my identification with my thoughts by writing them down, making them more *real*? Couldn't say.

Though I do hope that I restrain from whining too much. I have noticed a distinct tendency of many individuals to use the internet for that purpose.


I'm off to the races.